08-01-2022-Ths Wk "Overcoming The Covid Darkness"
This Week with Dr Tenpenny
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08-01-2022-Ths Wk "Overcoming The Covid Darkness"
Matthew Crawford, who is a former Wall Street trader, applied statistician, textbook author and entrepreneur. He has a long list of accomplishments in the area of math bonds and derivative trading. His current work is published at substack and it's called rounding the earth after performing a statistical analysis on the data from the all Valley urgent care clinics, he became the co author of the book, "Overcoming the COVID Darkness", which we're going to spend a lot of time talking about here, writing chapter eight about the statistical success of the treatments of Dr. Brian Tyson and George Fareed. Dr. Bryan Tyson is a board certified family medicine practitioner who's worked as an ER physician at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center for 13 years, as well as working as a hospitalist for 14 years. He then opened all Valley Urgent Care in El Centro, California in 2018. As the program Medical Director for cogent healthcare and beaver Medical Group. Dr. Tyson's experience with COVID 19 has been exceptional. He evaluated more than 30,000 patients and treated more than 5000 positive cases with only one hospitalization and no deaths using early and aggressive treatment and management. Due to his proven methodology. Dr. Tyson is considered a frontline COVID treatment expert. And interestingly, he is a congressional candidate for the United States House of Representatives in district 25 and California. So everyone out there in district 25 In California, make sure that you go out and vote and vote for Dr. Bryan Tyson. Dr. George Fareed graduated from Harvard Medical School with honors in 1970. He went on to study recombinant DNA and taught at both Harvard and UCLA Medical Schools. His career then moved into biotech research, which led to creation of three patents. He served as a medical missionary in Africa. He received a border Hero Award for HIV clinical care in 2008, and a Plesner award for rural physician of the Year from the California Medical Association. Dr. Fareed is also frontline for his early and aggressive treatments and COVID-19, where he treated outpatients as well as inpatients. as a hospitalist. He testified on November 19 20, in the Senate hearing on early COVID-19 treatments. Find their book at OvercomingCovidDarkness.co All these credentials from both of these amazing doctors, and yet their licenses were threatened for taking care of COVID patients and keeping them well and out of the hospital. https://drtenpenny.com/membership/