11-29-21 - This Wk with Dr Charles Hoffe
This Week with Dr Tenpenny
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11-29-21 - This Wk with Dr Charles Hoffe
Dr. Hoffe is a Christian family physician who lives and works in Lytton, British Columbia. He is a graduate of the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. He moved to Canada in 1990, and has been a family physician and ER physician to the community of Lytton, BC for the past 28 years. As a doctor and a Christian, Dr. Hoffe is a fervent advocate of the Hippocratic oath, “First do no harm.” After seeing serious harm in his own patients from the experimental covid “vaccines”, he has been an outspoken advocate for patient safety and medical ethics. As a consequence, he has been threatened and punished by the Canadian medical authorities. He is no longer permitted to work as an emergency physician, and he is “under investigation” by the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons for the crime of causing “vaccine hesitancy” because he questioned the safety of the experimental gene therapy.